Trauma and Resiliency

Trauma and Resiliency


Interact with consumers from a trauma-informed perspective with knowledge of the appropriate and available community resources

1. Describe the prevalence and impact of various types and contexts of trauma, e.g., domestic violence, physical and sexual abuse, sexual assault, exposure to combat, and other life threatening events.

2. Recognize the impact of trauma on behavior, functioning, and other health-related conditions and symptoms. Please give examples.

3. Demonstrate a sensitivity to the behavioral health issues, including substance use disorders, affecting survivors of trauma and the stages of recovery they will experience.

4. Characterize the importance of working from a trauma-informed perspective and describe techniques of trauma-informed care, as well as the effects of vicarious traumatization.

5. Summarize the effects of trauma on survivors, including intergenerational trauma, inter-familial trauma, experience of trauma at various life stages, and experience of trauma specific to special populations and cultural contexts, e.g., veterans, refugees, immigrants.

6. Recall the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study and its correlation with trauma.

7. Describe evidence-based treatment approaches for trauma-related conditions, e.g., Seeking Safety, TREM, EMDR, and DBT.

8. Identify and refer survivors of trauma to specialized support resources in the community to assist in the recovery process.