Community Integration and Inclusion

Community Integration and Inclusion


Perform a thorough psychosocial assessment to inform a collaborative, person-centered and outcome-focused plan of care and use of systemic and natural supports to facilitate an individual's progress toward their goals

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the role of the case manager within community settings and how the community mental health system in Maine supports community inclusion.

2. Describe community inclusion as a process of assisting an individual to move towards greater community inclusion and personal well-being.

3. Identify resources and options in mental health, substance abuse, behavioral health, employment services, crisis services, natural supports, law enforcement and mental health courts available to a consumer and demonstrate understanding of how to provide linkages to these services.

4. Describe how basic interviewing and assessment techniques such as Motivational Interviewing and psychosocial assessments, can support a consumer's coping skills.

5. Illustrate the documentation process and each of its components, including the following:
a) a person-centered treatment plan with specific goals/measures/target dates;

b) written notes that track progress and inform the dynamic treatment process; and c) a treatment plan review to support progress in goal areas that help individuals live safe, healthy and independent lives.

6. Recall the history of peer support and consumer-directed services in Maine and nationally, including the Intentional Peer Support (IPS) Model.